by Eclypse

What’s your Lifestyle?

No two people are the same; even twins have differences. We are all different, with different lifestyles, responsibilities, habits, genes, metabolic rates, and different levels of fitness. But one thing we all have in common: We all want to be Healthy, Prosperous, and Happy. UNICITY can go a long way to achieving this goal.

No matter what your lifestyle UNICITY has a product that together with a proper diet and exercise can improve your health and increase your fitness.

Diabetic Patients

If you suffer from diabetes use UNICITYBALANCE for Glucose Support to help regulate your blood sugar levels while losing weight. Please consult your doctor to ensure that UNICITYBALANCE is compatible with your medication.

High Cholesterol / High Blood Pressure

Use UNICITYBALANCE for Cholesterol Support to regulate your cholesterol and lose weight. Please consult your doctor to ensure that UNICITYBALANCE is compatible with your medication.

Fatigue, Low energy, Digestion issues / Pimple Breakouts

If you suffer from fatigue, low energy, digestion issues, pimple breakouts or other general ailments UNICITYCLEANSE is a good place to start to resolve these issues. UNICITYCLEANSE rids your body of toxins, pollutants and parasites that can otherwise hamper your overall health. Used along with UNICITYBALANCE and a proper diet and exercise you can improve your health. It is advised that you cleanse at least twice a year. Please consult your doctor to ensure that UNICITYCLEANSE is compatible with any medication you may be taking.

Read More about the foods that can assist with cleansing your body.

Over Weight

If you wish to lose weight we advise you use the following products:

  1. Begin with UNICITYCLEANSE to cleanse your body and remove any waste in your body that may hamper your weight loss goals.
  2. Then use UNICITYBALANCE to balance your glucose or cholesterol and regulate your appetite.
  3. Use UNICITYCOMPLETE meal replacement to nourish your body and reduce the number of meals preventing you from losing weight.
  4. Chocolate  lovers can use UNICITYSATISFY as a substitute for the desserts that make you put on those extra pounds.
  5. Eat a balanced diet, stay away from fatty foods and fast food.
  6. EXERCISE: get off the couch. No product can work effectively if you don’t increase your level of activity and practice a healthy lifestyle.

Check out our Prime Challenge to learn how you can earn money by losing weight.

Student / Teacher

Whether you’re a full time student, someone doing a course or finishing a degree while holding down a job, or a teacher imparting knowledge to your students there will be many times you will feel drained and lose your focus. UNICITYMATCHA for Natural Energy or UNICITYMATCHA for Nature Focus can help you overcome those moments when you just want to give up and go curl up in a bed. UNICITYMATCHA will keep you going through those long study sessions, helping you achieve your goal.

Busy Professional / Office Worker / Lawyers

On the go professionals and busy bee office workers dread the thought of giving up coffee and often drink it in lieu of breakfast. On a busy day lunch is sometimes skipped as well, or fast food is substituted for a healthy meal. This is a recipe for poor health. Start off your day with a blend of UNICITYMATCHA mixed with UNICITYCOMPLETE to provide you with the energy and nutrients you need to get going and break the caffeine addiction. On a busy day if you’re forced to skip lunch drink a shake of UNICITYCOMPLETE to keep your body feed and keep you going.

Parent of young children

Raising young children can be extremely tiring, making you feel constantly rundown and burnt-out. UNICITYMATCHA for Natural Energy can help keep you going while you focus on what’s important.


Technicians are known to skip breakfast and often work right through lunch. UNICITYCOMPLETE can replace those missed meals while UNICITYMATCHA can give you the energy and focus you need to keep going on those long days.

Restaurant Worker

Working in a restaurant, always on your feet working long hours surrounded by different types of food, and ironically often not eating on time can easily cause you to gain weight. Using UNICITYCOMPLETE to keep you filled while you work can help control your weight.

Nurses / Doctors

Nurses and Doctors often don’t get a change to take a break and have a proper meal. Use UNICITYCOMPLETE meal replacement and UNICITYMATCHA for those long days ensuring the rest of us are kept in good health.

Police Officers / Prison Guards / Fire Fighters / EMT / Manual Labourers

Use UNICITYCOMPLETE to help you build your muscle and UNICITYMATCHA to keep you going.

Fitness Fanatics

Fitness Fanatics will want to use the entire line of products:


Entrepreneurs will want to become Franchise Partners to build their financial independence while helping others meet their fitness goals.